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ThetaHealing® technique

Theta-Healing® is an energy healing modality that allows one to identify and transform blocks, trauma, and negative thoughts into empowering ones with the help of a meditation technique.

The ThetaHealing technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her journey back to health. It is founded on the idea that our subconscious mind holds emotions and behaviour systems which manifests in our actions. By changing the negative way of thinking in the subconscious mind, theta waves help to heal emotional and spiritual problems, which could lead to resolving physical conditions.

Theta Healing is done while the brain is producing theta brain waves, one of the five frequencies at which the brain operates. A Theta wave is of a slower speed, and our brain is often in this condition just before sleeping, just after waking or when we are in a deeply-relaxed state of mind.

Our mind is made up of two distinct parts and has a lot in common with an iceberg. There is the visible conscious mind and the subconscious mind, which is hidden. Scientific study has shown us that around 90% of our brain’s activity plays at this subconscious level, while a mere 10% is held at the conscious level. The important factor here is that our conscious mind is our objective or “thinking” mind. However, the subconscious mind is where our life experiences are held – from our beliefs to our memories, our innate skills to all the situations and circumstances we’ve fought or faced in life. Can you see where I’m going with this?

What this means is that 90% of our beliefs are found in our subconscious mind, yet we are all too often unaware of them. They are capable of determining the behavior of our body and our mind, and with this, our entire lives.

This is exactly the reason why oftentimes our innate desires simply do not align with our mental feelings.

I find Theta Healing the most comprehensive approach to healing because it works on so many levels. It works through emotional difficulties, physical issues, and spiritual connection. When used by an experienced energy healer, it can reduce stress in our life, release fears and phobias, clear blocks around money, heal emotional issues, repel physical issues, and remove blocks to diseases and conditions. It can even be used as a transformative tool to understand what attracted a disease in the first place.

You might say, “I believe this. I want that and I am worthy of having that.” But if you really want to know what beliefs about yourself and the life you are living are holding you back, take a look at your life: your health, your family, your friends, and your bank account.

Want to explore more about mind therapy? Book a FREE consultation call.

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