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Successfully relieving your traumas and pain on both emotional and physical levels and helping you reclaim your inner spark in just 8 Online Magical Sessions.

Welcome, Love

Do these feelings apply to you?

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Your partner doesn't appreciate you at all. You're afraid to voice your opinion. 

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Inside you, guilt eats away at you for not being able to build a healthy relationship, and you fear sudden betrayal as if it were death itself. You don't feel truly feminine...

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A constant feeling of internal irritation, but you can't express it. You drain your energy before you can even recharge

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Guilt and shame are your normal state. You play by the rules, but you always seem to lose.

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You feel like you constantly have to adapt to others. You were taught that "to be happy, you need to compromise," but why is it always at your expense?

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Turning to psychologists and various experts did not yield any results; after them, all that remained was a disappointment.

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You probably already developed health issues, and this is just the beginning.

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You don't feel your worth. 

What results you will get?


You will free yourself from endless fears, resentments, anxieties, subconscious blocks, and generational programs.


It will become easy for you to live, your mood will improve, a smile will shine on your face, joy will fill your heart, and your health will improve!


You will feel genuine self-love and never want to betray yourself again.


You will get rid of guilt, accusations from others, self-condemnation, and condemnation by others - parents, partners, children, friends, and colleagues.


You will learn to forgive yourself and others.


And you will see how easy it is to BE DIFFERENT and UNIQUE, allowing others to express their individuality, while still being able to get along with each other.

Why Me?

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Learned from the best.

I have studied with many masters and learned the best techniques from each of them. This knowledge has allowed me to create my proprietary method of healing that combines these powerful techniques, producing unprecedented results for my clients.

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Countless happy clients.

As your healer/hypnotist, I bring years of experience and expertise to help you achieve the desired changes and improvements in your life. â€‹

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Specialization in helping women.

I have a track record of successfully helping many women heal their wounds, empowering them to overcome challenges and create a more fulfilling life. My specialized focus on women's unique needs and experiences enables me to provide targeted support and guidance for lasting change.

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Empathy and understanding.

I genuinely care about your well-being and will listen attentively to your concerns, creating a safe and supportive environment for you to heal and grow.

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​Sharing a unique inner spark.

I possess a special inner spark that I share with my clients during our sessions. This energy not only enhances the healing and hypnotic experience but also inspires and uplifts you, facilitating deep and lasting transformation.

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Commitment to success.

I am dedicated to helping you reach your goals and will work closely with you to ensure that you see the progress and results you desire.

Reclaim Your Inner Spark Back

I will reignite your inner fire; I know the way.
As a hereditary healer with years of experience,
I am a fine-tuned guide for navigating your subconscious.


From the very first moments of our conversation, you'll feel your spark returning. I will initiate this process during our initial meeting.


I have a uniquely designed and effective program to unleash your inner light. Most importantly, I have extensive successful experience working with women just like you.


I guarantee to restore the joy you've forgotten, making it your new normal.

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By Building Trust and Rapport We Will

Ignite your inner light and
awaken your feminine power. 

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Why Work with Me

Hello, my name is Jenya...

...and I'm a Holistic Wellness Therapist with a passion for empowering women to embrace their inner strength and live life to the fullest. With years of experience in the field, I have developed a unique and comprehensive approach to helping women overcome physical and emotional challenges, break through limiting beliefs, and find their path to a happier, more fulfilling life.

My journey began as a quest for my own healing and self-discovery. Throughout my life, I have faced numerous challenges and obstacles, which inspired me to learn and grow. I have studied various healing modalities and techniques, working with numerous masters to deepen my understanding and hone my skills. Through my personal experiences and professional training, I have created my own proprietary healing program called Ignite Your Inner Spark, which combines the best of various techniques to achieve unparalleled results.

My practice focuses on utilizing hypnosis and other holistic therapies to help women rediscover their inner spark, heal emotional wounds, and tap into their own power. By guiding my clients through transformative processes, I assist them in uncovering the hidden potential within themselves and unleashing their ability to live a life filled with joy, love, and success.


As your Holistic Wellness Therapist, I am dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment where you can explore your inner world and find the keys to unlocking your full potential. I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of confidentiality, professionalism, and empathy in my work, ensuring that you feel supported and understood at every step of your journey.

Together, let's embark on a journey with the Ignite Your Inner Spark program to help you rediscover your inner light, heal past wounds, and live a life full of vibrancy, passion, and purpose.

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Reach Out, Love

What My Clients Say

Carolina Breeze: session with Jenya Steinberg
Ludmila Konev. Insomnia gone.
Elena Paulas - Feedback for Jenya Steinberg. Session was about Self confidence
Natalia Novikova- session with Jenya Steinberg
Katia Volkova
Carolina testimonial
Katerina Wilson
Oksana Hancharuk

Elina from San Diego

My daughter had a dairy allergy since she was one. We tried many treatments, including Chinese herbs and acupuncture, but nothing helped. Then we found Jenya. After just a few sessions, my daughter was able to eat dairy without issue. Now she's food allergy-free and living a healthy and vibrant life, enjoying ice cream like other teenagers. I highly recommend Jenya's treatment for anyone seeking a new healthy life chapter.

I'm here for you, Love

If you have any question, contact me, let's talk

© 2023 by Jenya Steinberg

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